Sunday, May 25, 2014

How it all started...Part 2

     Oh, you may be wondering what could possibly be so scary about homeschooling two little children?  I may still even be too scared to go there, but things like...Isolation - for me and the kids!  My son is super brilliant it won't be much longer he will outsmart me!  Then what?  Thoughts of FAILURE.  Not enough of me for all of them. (remember 2 of them are 2 yrs old) Not staying to par with public school, not hitting all the "right" levels of math at the right age.  Seriously, I call my husband from Wal-Mart to figure out the best deal -ME teach Math?  That's funny!  And English and Spelling -just ask Brett or read this blog or my FB page -its horrible!  Art and PE, I can kinda sorta do those two!  The list is endless.
     It wouldn't be long before Brett would start seeing my heart and Eli's.  I'm definitely the free spirit in our marriage (Thank you Dave Ramsey for the clarification) towards just about everything.  Once I have set my mind to do something, I'm ready...JUMP, LEAP or crawl...whatever, however, I'm READY.  My dear hubby is an engineer (don't laugh, they help make the world spin) just because he isn't a magnet for disaster like a free spirit- he is amazing.  He takes everything into consideration and everyone for hours or months if need be.  He looks at the big wide panorama picture and analyzes it.  Smart man!  I think I was still finding comfort in him being on the fence at this point.  Yes, I wanted to homeschool and I was excited at the thought of it, but terrified to actually DO IT.
     It took awhile but one evening he said to me, "I feel the same way about this as I did when I asked you to marry me- I knew it was the right thing to do, but I was terrified."  (uhhh geez thanks, I think!)  Well, that made two of us!  We continued to pray, for about 20 more minutes and then boom...the decision was made.       They were ready to be homeschooled and I was ready for them to be home, I missed them so much.  Many days I cried after dropping them off at school, seven hours is a long time for a child to be away from their mom. (See I'm already starting to sound like one of those crazy homeschooling moms) This was all God changing my heart.  I hadn't always felt this way about Eli or Micayla (my now 18 year old) attending school.  Heck...Eli started K a year early, he was four when he attended half day K.
     So on Valentines Day 2014, I sent my children off to school without their lunches packed because I would be picking them up and treating them to Cracker Barrel (one of our favorites) as a "hooray we are gonna homeschool" / HAPPY VALENTINES DAY lunch.  I also sent Valentines with a little note attached giving all their friends our phone number, address and a little explanation, but boy, oh boy was I in for a wake up call.  I had not prepared myself or my children for this day!!!!!!!!!


  1. I really like the blog, love hearing your family's story, and am so envious of your homeschool journey :) I can't wait to read more more. I also blog and love it!

    1. Give me your blog link, I would love to read it. Are you still doing the daily pictures?

  2. The emotional angst about your decision to homeschool is helpful to see. When making a hard decision, a decision that will upset the normal apple cart, a decision that changes the daily routine, it takes a while to get used to it. To see the path and know that it will be hard to walk it--you explain that well.
