Saturday, June 7, 2014

Part 4 Happy Happy Happy...

Eli wants to know how many parts there will be!  He wants 50 or 100 parts.  Don't worry, there won't be!  He loves reading my "stories."  Honestly he just loves to read.  Magic Tree House book are HOT right now, he devours them as soon as he picks them up.
Ok, now part 4...
St. Johns has a nice park day at the end of the year.  I was able to get the date and surprise everyone (even my kids).  I told them we were going to go somewhere I took them to some of my favorite spots Goodwill, Salvation Army that morning!  "This is NOT fun Mom!"  Hehehee.  I'm kinda fun like that.  Eli is a super smart bean, he figured it out as soon as I picked his year book up from the school office, then we headed to the park across the street.  Once again, I was not prepared.
One would have thought I pulled up with a celebrity!  He was literally mobbed.  The news spread like wildfire across the playground.  "ELI IS HERE, ELI IS HERE."  I must say, it warms a Momma's heart to know her child is so loved.  I stood back and took it all in...their smiles, their laughs, the way they hugged him, adored him.  He was feeling it too.  Loved.  Cherished.  MISSED!
I will forever enjoy our memories at St. Johns. Its a wonderful school, with fantastic teachers and children.  I think that is what made it so hard to surrender and be obedient to God...which is ok. Well, and fear, which is totally satan driven.
I do have pictures from our last day.
Oh you maybe wondering about Zahavah.  Her class was not at the park (bummer), so we went for a quick minute to the classroom.  She got to hug some of her friends...and we hope to catch up with them this Summer.
 The welcoming crowd
 Signing his yearbook...its so cute, they are still young, so they all just wrote their name.  No little notes...yet.
 Someone is checking to see if Eli is taller than him! Hehehee.
 Hiding from the HOT sun.
 Being squished!
 I love this one, the girls are so sweet.

 They seemed to love Eli's hair. Ahh...nice photobomb between the boys...I just now saw that!!!!!
 These two are super cute.
 The whole gang together again.  Happy Happy Happy

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