and when they are old, they will not depart from it. (paraphrased Proverbs 22:6) This morning over breakfast I glanced at our marker board that I had my reminder (from last week) to "Be the hands and feet of Jesus." The reminder wasn't written for my children, but for me. Last week God hand picked, special delivered four precious souls into my yard. They were straight from him for me to love on, feed, hug, listen to, provide a safe energetic place to play and relax. I probably would have missed the whole package (I mean lesson) had I not just been praying and asking God about mission work. Oh how my heart sometimes longs to work along side those mighty missionaries in Africa with all those beautiful orphans. I'm in touch with many ministries that are feeding, clothing, nursing God's orphans in Africa...and I LOVE it. You see their transformation from near death to alive and surviving and joyful, right before your eyes! I want to do that! But God in his majestic authority reminded me that I am needed HERE. In America to do the same. (He told us when we adopted that His plans were not our plans) Africa and America's orphans needs are the same, some more extreme than others...but needs nonetheless, and its not for me to determine where to be the hands and feet of Jesus. I (and you) are just called to obey the calling.
Which takes me back to breakfast. It dawned on me this morning that perhaps my children thought the reminder was for them. And I realized they probably don't know what the reminder means. Its up to me to TEACH THEM. Over breakfast we talked about what it looks like to be the "hands and feet of Jesus." How Jesus walked the earth during His years. My smart little whipper snappers grasped it quickly. I told them the reminder was for me, not them. But now they too can join with me to be His "hands and feet." It wasn't a profound lesson for them, shocker! I think its easier for them. Matthew 18:3, might have some bearing on why its so easy for them! (this might be a rabbit trail) but somethings are just easier and more natural for them when it comes to embracing the poor and loving the fatherless. They don't see what I see. I think that's beautiful. Probably the way God intended it to be. Kids don't see the imprints the world has left. I want to encourage my children to be the "hands and feet" of Jesus and then stand back and watch and pray that they too are used for His glory and make an impact on eternity.
We are all called to be the "hands and feet" of Jesus. It looks different for each person, but God has gifted each of us to do our part. It could be in Africa, it could be in America, it all matters to God.
James 1:27; "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."
Beautiful...thanks for sharing.