Monday, August 12, 2019

Conversations That Matter

I made it to the chair but oh how the baggage of the day fights for my attention.  The Monday to-do list of laundry, dishes, fill bird feeders, water plants and all the last-minute back-to-school matters nag with persistence.  But here I am.
Be brave enough to start conversations that matter.
Yesterday we went to lunch with a couple from our Life Group. We enjoy getting to know our new Texan peeps in and out of the traditional setting.  We ate lunch at a Mexican restaurant, and if you know me at all, you know I don’t do spicy…not even a little.  I ordered my food from the menu laid out in white, black and red colors with devil spears covering the page.  I thought Oh boy, here we go!  By God’s grace I managed just fine and enjoyed the food.  I’m learning I like Tex-Mex, no heat please. It’s nothing like the Mexican food served in Illinois, use your imagination.
I love hearing God’s goodness sprinkled in the lives of those around us.  Our new friends were open and vulnerable with us.  I enjoyed every minute of their story!  Go deep or go home. I know its not for everyone and there is a time and place to be had for sharing such depth.  We all enjoyed a great time of authenticity and connection.  I think I have shared before; I feel like God created each of us with a desire for community and connection, its rooted in our soul, in our being.  The question is are we brave enough to go there?
“You story could be the key that unlocks someone else’s prison, don’t be afraid to share it.”
We invited them back to our new home, our first couple to visit, yippee!  Brett made coffee and we settled in for more.  They listened with compassion and tears as we shared our life stories.  Its easy to want to close down pack our stories away in a box sealed, signed and delivered to the attic to never be opened again.  It’s safe there, not really, but it feels that way.  No risk.  No growth.  Brett and I made a choice, mutually together, sometime along the way that it isn’t our story, its God’s story.  He gets the glory for where we are today.  So, we unpack it together for our friends.  Its messy, not rehearsed.  We rip off our scabs and allow the pain to ooze once again.  We felt gutted, but safe.  Exposed but loved.  Vulnerable but appreciated.  Sharing our story is part of the healing journey, for us and those who listen.  More light penetrates the dark corners each time we choose to be brave enough to share.    
Our desire is for those who hear our pain and suffering to see Jesus in the midst, for them to catch a glimpse of his presence in our lives.  For His faithfulness to be evident throughout our struggles and times of despair when we hit bottom with no sense of direction.  We believe God is in the business of restoring and mending shattered lives.  We know he does; we are his evidence.  Your life may not unfold the way you had planned or hoped but trust God has you.  Redemption is beautiful, it’s worth it and its free.  We want to offer you hope along your journey and the courage to share your story. 
“What makes you vulnerable makes you beautiful” -Brene Brown.

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